Oh and if there are terra-like map scripts that forces the new continent(s) to have unique ressources I would be interested, as the Communitas one doesn't do that. I've tried installing Communitas but the AI & Tools make my game crash at loading a new game, and I'm now installing SmartAI and an "expansionism" mod, but I won't find out for a while if it forces it to go and colonize, and if it doesn't well it will just be a waste of 200/300 turns. I'm looking for an AI mod that fixes this behavior and make the AI colonize from astronomy. I've googled that problem and it seems to be reccurent in terra maps, despite only being able to build like 3 cities in the ancient world. I love the principle of terra maps, and the new world scenario, sadly when playing terra maps the AI never colonizes until the atomic era (despite being 8 civs on the same continents, and even then it's only a few cities by one-city (Pachacuti I'm looking at you) or expansionist civs, which basically make the whole thing completely useless giving you a huge unfair advantage.