* Protector - (Target) Protect the fallen by partially healing them and granting fleeting physical immunity.

* Shining Spear - (Projectile) Heave a spear at your enemy, possibly inflicting bleeding or crippling and dealing physical damage. Hopefully you can enjoy the spirit of it without taking the details too literally! I've also taken some liberties with the theme (in that Valkyries are meant to fight against Ragnarok rather than causing it, etc). Though valkyries are female in the mythology, these skills (and the starting class) can easily be played by a male Viking-type charcter. They make good support characters, with a mix of buffs and damage, tied primarily to the Warrior ability track. It is themed around the Norse pantheon and a valkyrie's duty as 'chooser of the slain'. To help a little, check to see who in your party has the highest Bartering level, and make sure they cozy up to traders and get on their good side-even saving 20 gold here and there is worth it.This mod adds a new Valkyrie class which includes 20 new skills. Quality armor and weapons are hard to come by in the early game.

Check your journal to see if you have any outstanding quests to complete.Īll that said, money is going to be tight for a while. Even a simple thing, like talking down a few thugs, can result in earning experience, gold, and items-but you have to go talk to the quest giver to get your reward. Essentially, you’ll want to treat it like an adventure game.Īlso, remember to complete your quests. If it isn't red, you can snag it without being attacked for stealing. And a random piece of tat you find on the beach or in an otherwise empty barrel could be the key to solving a mystery, or maybe it’s just worth a few quid to the right buyer (but think carefully before selling items that might be quest-related). Every NPC could be a potential quest-giver, holder of important knowledge, or maybe they just have some hilarious jokes they’re waiting to rattle off. You never know who or what is important in Original Sin 2 at first glance.